Tools that will help you manage your private equity funds efficiently

What could be more impressive to your LPs, a $20B Assets Under Management fund with $100M of AUM per Full-Time Employee (FTE), or $1,000M of AUM per FTE? Otherworldly, would you like to see $20 Billion of Assets Under Management managed efficiently by 200 people or 20? …It’s perhaps better to say that later. 90 out of 100 common stories of the market leaders and followers within the hedge funds and private equity funds based on “how well the machine is built.” We mean to say, how efficiently does the hedge fund or private equity firm account for its growth. Do you think your firm will need a mid-office and back-office in the matter to the size of AUM, or would you leverage high-end technologies and proven practices to manage private equity funds efficiently? “ Reports suggest that leading industry asset managers that leverage technology to optimize their operations have experienced 1.5 x faster revenue growth compared to their peers .” So, if you want to learn about the tools that will...